Seanain [8:45 AM]:Yay! No soccer fields!
Sarah [8:45 AM]:
thank god - for once in the their pampered lives joco kids are not going to get something they asked for
Sarah [8:45 AM]:
cry children! cry!
Seanain [8:46 AM]:
It's funny how people think Joco is so wealthy.
Sarah [8:46 AM]:
i know it's not -- but those pushing for the soccer fields are
Seanain [9:05 AM]:
Did my latest blog make you ill?
Sarah [9:05 AM]:
(sweet an engineer on one of my teams is named King Kwan)
Seanain [9:06 AM]:
That's gotta be a pseudo
Sarah [9:07 AM]:
aha - the demasculinization of men infiltrated your subconscious
Seanain [9:07 AM]:
It's going to be a recurring theme.
Sarah [9:07 AM]:
is feminism celebrated? (per your
Seanain [9:08 AM]:
OMG, yes!
Seanain [9:08 AM]:
Are you being serious?!
Sarah [9:08 AM]:
do some research
Seanain [9:09 AM]:
omg, you ARE serious.
Sarah [9:09 AM]:
you're talking to a girl who was this close to being a Women's Studies major.
Sarah [9:10 AM]:
but i couldn't take their total lack of a sense of humor about the whole situation
Sarah [9:10 AM]:
one of the only truly effective tools of the oppressed: humor
Sarah [9:11 AM]:
there was a really great Time article about 5 years ago called the End of Feminism.
Seanain [9:11 AM]:
There, you just epitomized the femme movement, and it’s so mainstream you didn’t even notice. It’s so embedded in our daily lives you accept it as a norm.
Sarah [9:11 AM]:
Fewer women identify themselves as feminists now than in the 1980.
Seanain [9:11 AM]:
Thank god
Seanain [9:12 AM]:
And I'm not talking about feminism as a movement, but as an identity. As a social class.
Sarah [9:12 AM]:
well that was over in 1990
Sarah [9:12 AM]:
when the 3rd Wave really hit
Seanain [9:13 AM]:
It's hardly over. It's just become a social norm.
Seanain [9:13 AM]:
Luna bars. Womens Studies. Curves for Women ...
Sarah [9:13 AM]:
I'm not sure what 'it' you're really talking about tho
Sarah [9:13 AM]:
oh - feminism as a saleable commodity
Sarah [9:13 AM]:
that's different then
Seanain [9:14 AM]:
Demasculation, metrosexuals
Seanain [9:14 AM]:
Morrison, running for Att. Gen. was villified for calling himself a "manly man". WTF?!
Seanain [9:14 AM]:
Why is that a bad thing?
Sarah [9:14 AM]:
The fact that 'feminism' equates to 'demasculinization' of men for you is telling
Seanain [9:14 AM]:
Femme makes it bad
Sarah [9:15 AM]:
why is being a 'p#ssy' bad?
Sarah [9:15 AM]:
that's what you called the dems yesterday
Sarah [9:15 AM]:
the flip side of the same coin
Seanain [9:15 AM]:
Because it voids a belief system.
Seanain [9:15 AM]:
Being a p#ssy is not taking a stand for your beliefs. YOu are only as strong as your beliefs.
Sarah [9:15 AM]:
no no. that's different than using the feminine term 'p#ssy'
Sarah [9:16 AM]:
again, look at the gender of the word choice here
Seanain [9:17 AM]:
No worries.
Sarah [9:17 AM]:
p#ssy means being able to say you made a mistake, means rethinking a position
Seanain [9:17 AM]:
No, p#ssy means breaking under outside pressure.
Sarah [9:17 AM]:
(or if you want to paint it in a negative light - being 'wishy washy')
Seanain [9:18 AM]:
Wait, what were we talking about again?
Seanain [9:18 AM]:
Oh, yeah.
Seanain [9:18 AM]:
Villification of masculinity.
Seanain [9:18 AM]:
So, I'm opposed.
Seanain [9:19 AM]:
You're for.
Seanain [9:19 AM]:
Let's share a Luna.
Sarah [9:19 AM]:
my point is even if you look at our language here, it is so highly genderized, so charged with generations of patriarchy, you can't hardly even talk about it without getting lost in the semantics
Seanain [9:19 AM]:
Yeah. Language will do that.
Sarah [9:19 AM]:
so you're telling me feminism is so ingrained into our society
Seanain [9:20 AM]:
Sarah [9:20 AM]:
the presence of patriarchal oppression in the meantime informs every word you have to say about it
Sarah [9:20 AM]:
(sorry, you inflamed the feminist hemmie i've had in hiding since college)
Seanain [9:20 AM]:
But that's neither here nor there, it's just that whilst this is happening, maledom (if I can coin a werd) is being villified
Sarah [9:20 AM]:
(let's share a Luna and some Tucks)
Sarah [9:21 AM]:
Why do you want to gloss over that?
Sarah [9:21 AM]:
It IS valid
Sarah [9:22 AM]:
you're blaming feminism for it
Sarah [9:24 AM]:
i mean really can a political belief system held by only a tiny fraction of women in this country be blamed for the collapse of a cultural phenomenon as hearty as 'the manly man'?
Sarah [9:24 AM]:
i think not
Sarah [9:26 AM]:
unless you define feminists as those who: raise children on their own, are integral breadwinners in their families, accept full responsiblity for the development of their children into acceptable human beings
Sarah [9:26 AM]:
if those are the feminists you're talking about, then sure, if they want to emasculate men, they could probably do it
Sarah [9:28 AM]:
but more than likely that emasculation is a)a figment of the imagination of said men b)a by-product of the cultural allowances made for men who shirk off fathering/husbanding roles.
Seanain [9:28 AM]:
hold on, gotta catch up.
Sarah [9:29 AM]:
i'm writing my response to your post right now .
Sarah [9:29 AM]:
in fact, this is today's blog entry - unless you have objections
Seanain [9:30 AM]:
Feminism is fundamentally anti-male. masculinity is fundamentally pro-female.
Seanain [9:30 AM]:
no objections.
Sarah [9:30 AM]:
are you sure you want to make that claim?
Sarah [9:30 AM]:
really, look objectively at that statement for a sec
Seanain [9:31 AM]:
It's not categorical
Sarah [9:31 AM]:
it's about as categorical as it gets
Seanain [9:31 AM]:
I'm talking about the post-fem neo-masc movement
Sarah [9:32 AM]:
ok, can you give me an example of someone who has led this post-fem neo-masc movement? who is their leader?
Sarah [9:32 AM]:
or are you just a conspiracy theorist?
Seanain [9:33 AM]:
Sarah ...
Seanain [9:33 AM]:
I am their leader.
Seanain [9:33 AM]:
I'm perfect for the job!
Seanain [9:33 AM]:
I was raised by a feminist single mother!
Seanain [9:33 AM]:
I'm hairy!
Seanain [9:33 AM]:
And I love women!
Seanain [9:34 AM]:
You're kinda fired up about all this, aren't you?
Seanain [9:35 AM]:
Sheesh, can't we have a lively convo without you getting all angry and stuff.
Sarah [9:35 AM]:
i'm totally not angry.
Sarah [9:36 AM]:
had you been talking to Sarah 2001, she would've been fired up and linguistically sliced and diced your petty arguments...
Seanain [9:36 AM]:
Look at how you typed that.
Sarah [9:37 AM]:
but Sarah 2001 has been replaced with Sarah 2006 who finally met a nice man and gave birth to one that's going to be even better
Sarah [9:37 AM]:
he's going to be more of a feminist than Ja and i combined. and the ladies are going to love him for it
Seanain [9:37 AM]:
I just like thinking that you think I'm a Chauvinist
Sarah [9:38 AM]:
he'll get all the puun he'll ever want
Sarah [9:38 AM]:
bcz his mama versed him in the ways of the uberwoman
Sarah [9:39 AM]:
he will be the ally of all women and speak truth to men whose egos will not let them hear it
Seanain [9:39 AM]:
omg. You already cut off 1/3 of his cawk, don't emasculate him any further.
Sarah [9:39 AM]:
i kept a picture of it for him.
Seanain [9:39 AM]:
Maaan... that's low.
Sarah [9:39 AM]:
he can always write it love letters but again, he won't need to for he will be ...
Sarah [9:40 AM]:
The Most Secure Man on the Planet
Seanain [9:40 AM]:
Seanain [9:40 AM]:
You don't get secure through emasculation
Sarah [9:40 AM]:
you laugh, but the guys who were smart enough to sign up for and make good discussion in my Women's Studies classes
Sarah [9:40 AM]:
oh, they never wanted for female companionship
Seanain [9:41 AM]:
Seanain [9:41 AM]:
Gee, I wonder if that was deliberate on their part? hmmmmmm
Sarah [9:41 AM]:
of course it was
Sarah [9:42 AM]:
but they were secure enough to take that path.
Seanain [9:42 AM]:
Sarah [9:42 AM]:
most men would've not taken
Seanain [9:42 AM]:
Sarah [9:42 AM]:
what are you doing?
Seanain [9:42 AM]:
I don't "know"
Sarah [9:43 AM]:
just ansewring everything with one word stolen from my statements?
Seanain [9:43 AM]:
Sarah [9:43 AM]:
is this some kind of manly-man mind trick they teach you in manly-man school?
Seanain [9:45 AM]:
On another note, my post is actually about the death of metrosexualism
Seanain [9:45 AM]:
And on yet another note, let's do lunch
Sarah [9:45 AM]:
no, it's not.
Sarah [9:45 AM]:
yes, i am hungry
Seanain [9:45 AM]:
what's not?
Sarah [9:45 AM]:
your post is not about that
Sarah [9:46 AM]:
it's not about the death of metrosexualism
Seanain [9:46 AM]:
Really? What's it about?
Sarah [9:47 AM]:
oh, ok. i had to read past the first sentence.