Ro received his first summer haircut today. He promptly went out and mixed it up with the local hoods. Don't let the bump fool you, the other guys look worse. (He's giving the camera his patented 'Stink Eye' here.)

It's a bit new wave for a tot whose own parents were in training pants when Joy Division first stepped onstage, but nonetheless, he rocks it.

Lastly, this is him showing the versatility of this style. Yes, it can also read German architecture student.

And my other little charmer enjoying her bath during this heat.

If this were
smell-o-vision, you'd be able to enjoy the deliciously crunchy scent of
Cheeky Cherub Baby Balm wafting up from her in this pic. Thank you,
Pom! I love it when my baby smells better than I do. One of us can stay clean anyway.